Creative strategies to help you achieve your vision.
Seeing leads to insight, insight leads to action, and action leads to change.
Proven Strategies
Coaching is a unique, powerful relationship between my clients and me, a professional coach who is trained to help them clarify their vision and establish goals to accomplish it. I employ proven strategies and action plans to help clients become more effective and successful in achieving their vision. Clients experience renewed growth and are inspired to maximize their personal and professional potential.
A coach is not a therapist or a consultant. I help you identify your door of opportunity, but you open that door and walk through. This process provides you with powerful and useful tools to discover your own strengths and maximize every opportunity, and become more productive, accountable, a more powerful communicator and experience greater satisfaction.
Strategic planning for organizations starts with qualitative research. I utilize a combination of focus groups, phone interviews and face to face discussion with key stakeholders in an organization. I combine this qualitative research with coaching techniques and then work closely with clients to translate those findings into meaningful, actionable plans. Strategic coaching is truly a collaborative process.
I’m an executive coach who specializes in working with advertising and marketing executives to jump start their careers, their businesses, and their lives. I have decades of advertising and marketing experience, culminating as Executive Management Director at Saatchi & Saatchi. I’ve helped executives save their jobs, succeed at new ones, or gather their courage to finally “make the move.” I’ve helped leaders and organizations clarify their strategies, regain their momentum, and expand their horizons.
“David has an uncanny ability to cut through to the heart of a matter and get us to focus on essentials. His wealth of knowledge in the areas of strategic planning and marketing has helped us better shape our message and get it out more effectively. I cannot recommend him highly enough.”