Planning Tool 2013-Never too late
Completion 2012/Vision 2013
This is a personal planning tool designed to support your success. Complete it now. Refer to it periodically during the year to track how you are doing. For optimum results, share this planning tool with a support group or a committed partner who is willing to hold you accountable.
I-Complete 2012
Be complete with the past year so you can move on freely and powerfully.
What did you accomplish?
What did not get done?
What will you acknowledge yourself for?
Anything you need to forgive yourself for?
Any regrets or disappointments with yourself that you need to clean up?
What did you learn about yourself this year, new skills or self discovery lessons?
II-Vision 2013
Create a vision of your ideal self…the best you can be. What personal changes will you need to make and how will you have to act in 2013 to turn your vision into reality? Keep in mind, changes usually require you to take a risk.
Goals are specific and measurable. Imagine yourself now at the end of 2013. Take a look and see what you have accomplished in the following areas:
Health/Well Being
Friends & Family
Significant Other
Personal & Spiritual Growth
Physical Environment (Home, Car, etc)
Anything else